Why I’m not worried about the election

From across the room, I saw it: the blinking red light. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“You might as well play them back,” my husband groaned.

I punched PLAY and heard, “You have 8 NEW messages.”

With each automated voice, I jabbed ERASE. “I’ll be so glad when this is OVER,” I complained to Steve.

Is anyone else sick of the tsunami of publicity this election year? Television commercials, newspaper ads, “robo” calls… The waves have even crashed through the walls of social media. With less than a week before the election, both parties are surging.

I’m ready for it to end.

And I’m not worried about who wins.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t care or have a preference, because I do. In fact, I’ve prayerfully considered the issues and already cast my vote. I’m not worried because of a lesson I learned from Daniel:

“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
wisdom and power are His.
He changes times and seasons;
He sets up kings and deposes them…
~Daniel 2:20-21

Did you catch that? GOD sets up kings (and presidents).

And once they take office? They become servants of GOD, whether they realize it or not.

We think the issues facing us in this election are unique, but they’re not. Economic woes, national security, personal well-being, etc. have been concerns throughout the centuries. As King Solomon mused, there is nothing new under the sun, including rulers we might not like.

One of my favorite accounts is found in Jeremiah. Three times God referred to the pagan Babylonian king, a man who would take His children captive, as

“My servant, Nebuchadnezzar.”

Seriously? This man:

  • destroyed the holy city, looted and burned the Temple (2 Kings 25),
  • used the consecrated Temple articles for pagan worship (Daniel 1)
  • carried off the brightest young men (like Daniel) and made them serve as eunuchs (Daniel 1)
  • erected a statue and commanded God’s children bow down before it (Daniel 3)

A servant of God? Really?

That’s a tough one for me to understand, but I’m looking at it from a limited, human perspective. God’s perspective is much different:

His thoughts and ways are higher
His understanding is perfect
His plan is eternal

If He considers earthly leaders His servants, then so will I.

It is better to trust the LORD than to
put confidence in people
or government or a job or retirement plans
or the economy or the military
or health care plans or…
~Ps 118:8 (suz)

And that’s why I’m not worried — God’s got it covered!

I’ll PRAY for the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but
I’ll TRUST in the Ruler of heaven & earth!
(Tweet me!)

What about you? Any reflections you’d like to share?

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Now I do.

Now I know some of the struggles and decisions and heartaches. I also know you can find joy where you least expect it. Like in the emergency room.

Thanks for stopping by. I’d love to hear from you!


  1. Rhonda Phillips

    One of my favorite sayings is, “God’s in control!” How dare little ol’ me think that my hissy-fit over who is elected will change the Master’s Master Plan! He’s definitely got it covered. Aren’t we so glad He’s in control? Susan, this was a timely blog with Good News to embrace!

    • Susan

      Thanks, Rhonda! You’re so right – God IS in control, with no regard for our hissy-fits (I have them too) 🙂 Hope you had a fabulous birthday!!

  2. Lauren L.

    Tired of mailers, yes!!!!

    Maybe just as tired of those living in fear shouting that the apocalypse will happen if “the other guy” (whomever it may be) wins. A perfect God is still on the throne, and neither man will make a perfect president… so I hope in Jesus.

    • Susan

      Amen, Lauren. And the apocalypse will happen ONLY when God gives it the nod 🙂

  3. Vonda Skelton

    Yes! I learned that this year in Shannon Mullins’ Living Power online Bible Study. I had read the passages before, but never really studied them. But what an eye-opener it has been to see how many times God used worldly kings and leaders as His servants to bring about His perfect will.

    I’m not worried, either. It’s our job to be who He created us to be and to share His Great Name to a lost and dying world.

    God’s will will be done, regardless–and through–whoever resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

    • Susan

      So true, Vonda. We need to about our business as believers, and trust that God’s going to keep on being GOD!
      (I’ve got to check out Shannon’s study – You’ve mentioned it several times, so it’s bound to be great!)

  4. Felecia

    Great message, Susan. I, too, am up to “here” with the calls. And as I prayed the 40-Days of Prayer leading up to the election I came to understand that it is in God’s hands. We must vote with biblical principles guiding us, but God will decide who shall lead His people in this country. And while we must obey our authorities, I bow only to the Almighty God.
    Thanks for this today!

    • Susan

      Amen, Felecia. We do our part, then trust God with the rest.
      Thanks for stopping by today. Always glad to see your name in the comment list 🙂

  5. Ro elliott

    amen…this scripture comes to mind too…Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the LORD our God.

    Thanks for lifting hope high…hope that is in the KING of KINGS!

    • Susan

      Love PS 20:7, Ro! It was my scripture picture on Monday, and part of the background for this post. We serve a God Who is beyond comprehension, and He’s got it covered.

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

  6. Nikki

    Oh, now I’m all riled up. YES, YES, YES! This has been what I’ve been saying to those that have asked, too. God’s got this covered. His plan will ALWAYS prevail. We already know who ultimately wins.

    So many examples of bad Kings. and God used them for His glory anyway…why, even David, one of His favorites, wasn’t all that great. He had personal and policy flaws. but He listened…and that’s what I’m praying for anyone who resides on 1600 Penn Ave…

    • Susan

      Isn’t David a great example for us? Well, not so much of a “do what I do” example, but a “have a heart tuned into God’s” kind! So glad to know there are so many of us lifting up the man who will lead us! God WILL have His way!

  7. Diane Bailey

    Amen Susta, Amen! Well said words of wisdom…Praying and trusting in the Ruler of Heaven and Earth

    • Susan

      Shout it, Di! 🙂

  8. sandi

    I’m like you, Susan. I want the ugliness and fighting to be over. It is SUCH a shame that name calling and slander is the new normal. I turn on the TV and am disgusted. But when I open my Bible, I am relieved…..God is in control. I, too, have already voted and I believe it is so important……..but I don’t have to listen to hate being spewed. I thank God that we live in a country where we don’t have to secretly vote, or be afraid of what will happen if we try to vote. I love the USA and am proud to be an American.
    Now….where did I put my flag skirt? 😉

    • Susan

      All those negative ads? Be interesting to get a $$ total and determine a million better uses of that money! And you’re so right — ultimately, we live in the greatest country in the world, and that’s a HUGE blessing that we should be thankful for every single day.

      (And I’ll bet you DO have a flag skirt somewhere… 😎 )

  9. Cathy Baker

    I needed this fresh reminder as next Tuesday approaches ever so quickly. Thank you, friend.

    • Susan

      Praying without ceasing, Cathy 🙂

  10. Lauren Mills {mercyINK}

    Oh Susan. THANKS for this post. YES, HE is our King, our Lord, no matter what. What peace there is in that! I’m so with you friend. So glad you linked this post up to our heart&home this week! i’m tweeting & fb(ing)!
    lauren. mercy ink.

    • Susan

      Thanks, Lauren! I’ve taken a couple weeks off but glad to be over at mercyINK with you today. Thanks for the tweet and FB love!

  11. Anna Popescu

    I’m right there with you, Susan. In fact, part of our sermon last Sunday was exactly about this. So in my limited human intelligence I can thankfully say, “God is God and I am not! And He already knows the outcome.”

    I think I’m more weary than angry at the way election campaigns are run now, and am soooo ready for them to be over!

    Blessings to you!

    • Susan

      Awesome, Anna –> God is God and I am DEFINITELY not!

      Thanks for stopping by. Hope you’re feeling good today 🙂

  12. Jerralea

    Yes! God is in control. Even if we are disappointed on Nov. 7 with what happened on Nov. 6, we know God will take care of His children.

    • Susan

      Yes He will, Jerralea. He is always God and God is always faithful to His children. So glad we’re included in that group!

  13. Jeannette Duwe

    AMEN!!! You hit this nail on the head! I used to get so worked up about this stuff (and I really truly detest politics). When I was still working in TV News, I truly hated October and November because I had to cover candidates who I never felt were being truly honest.

    BUT GOD! He knows, he’s in control, and whether the president (whoever that might be) knows it or not, God placed him there for a purpose!

    God has it in his control. We simply must do what we are able, and that is to get out and vote! Incidentally, out here in Idaho, they are expecting a record 85-90% voter turn out! Love it!

    • Susan

      Two of the greatest words in Scripture: BUT GOD! I can’t imagine having to cover candidates in an election year, Jeannette. I think I’d rather drink paint.

      I bet lots of states have record turnouts this year. Virginia is considered a battleground state, so it’ll be crazy here next week!

  14. Carol

    Like you I am at peace about this election. God is sovereign. It has been helpful to be studying Ezra and Nehemiah with the women’s Bible study. The book of Ezra records that God stirred the heart of Cyrus, a persian king to accomplish his purpose.

    As citizens we have a responsibility to vote. We can rest knowing that God is incontrol.

    • Susan

      I love studying that period in Israel’s history, Carol. What a courageous and determined group those Israelites were, and God went ahead of them and directed every single step. And His purposes are always accomplished, no matter who is in charge.

      Thanks for that great reminder. So glad to have you here today!

  15. Elizabeth @ DogFurandDandelions

    Thank you!! I needed to meditate on this today! It is easy to be worried about the future of our nation if “Mr XYZ” is elected… but you’re right. God is in control, and will use *whoever* is elected to further His own purposes. He will have the glory, no matter who is in office!
    Visiting from Women Living Well. So grateful to find you!

    • Susan

      Thank you, Elizabeth! So glad we’re neighbors at WLW today! Lots of people are worried about “Mr XYZ” and it’s a great opportunity for those of us who have hope to point them in the right direction!


  16. Dolly@Soulstops

    Amen, and amen, and amen…Blessings to you, Susan 🙂

    • Susan

      Always glad to have you here. Blessings right back to you, sweet Dolly 🙂

  17. Glendafm@frontier.com

    I’m with you Susan! God is in control, so there is no need to worry…its always better to believe and rest in His care…no matter what.

    • Susan

      Yes He is, Glenda! So glad I don’t have to figure things out!

  18. Jodi Schumm

    Great post, Susan! One thought that keeps coming to mind is that, whenever the “right guy” gets in office, it’s easy to take a deep sigh of relief and then neglect praying for our politicians as often as I should. Now that my kids are 5 & 7, this election cycle has really hit me with the critical importance of praying for whoever is in office. of course I want those with the firmest moral convictions, but, as your post said, it’s so much bigger than that – God is truly in control.

    • Susan

      Great point, Jodi. We do think if “our” guy is in office, then we can take it easy. Not so! Even more important to pray!!

  19. Julia Tomiak

    Susan- Thank you for the reminder- especially the example from scripture, that God is truly in control. Of the big things (our country) and the little things (my life). If I could just get that through my thick head, I’d waste a lot less energy on worry. :).

    • Susan

      I hear you, Julia. Any idea how many times I have to remind myself of that?

  20. Anita Taylor

    Sus, this is my fave verse, Be Still and know that I am GOD! You probably remember that the first nite in Belize City when we ate at Radisson, and we all went to our rooms & settled for the nite, my stomach was very upset & I prayed “Lord please don’t let me get sick” in a foreign land. And Yay I didn’t. 🙂 I love it that we can pray for specifics & He answers our prayers. 🙂

    • Susan

      I know, Anita. I prayed a lot of specific prayers while we were in Belize! What a fabulous time we had. The Lord was gracious to us and kept us healthy and safe, didn’t He? Every day is an adventure when we follow Him!!

  21. Hester Christensen

    Thank you for this reminder Susan. I really appreciate your Scripture references too.

    Yes, I’ m ready to be done with it too.

    Hester, 😉

    • Susan

      Glad you stopped by, Hester. I do love Daniel 🙂

  22. Tereasa

    Oh Susan, this has been on my mind ever since I was in NM. I have decided I am more Canadian now than American and it’s not because I love one more than the other. I truly felt like an alien among the political hubbub. I saw so much hate while I was there. In fact, during one Sunday lunch my family was assaulted by the sounds of arguing waitstaff. I stopped the manager to inform him that he was in danger of running a toxic work environment. He appeared surprised when I told him the argument was over politics. Why would he be surprised? I couldn’t seem to get away from it. I do recognize that not every American is so boisterous with their opinions, but there sure are a lot of noisy ones who tend to drown out the softer voices.

    One day, while at home, I pointed out to my mom that these hateful tactics are very unlikely to be effective. If people truly want to make change, why can’t they do it in love? Wouldn’t that be nice?

    Thanks for opening the door to this soapbox of mine. I’ve been waiting for the time and place to stand on it.

    • Susan

      You’re welcome to get on any soapbox you choose, Thereasa. Feel free to pass this one along! Passion is a good thing when it’s properly channelled. Unfortunately, politics isn’t always the best avenue. I have friends on both sides, and at the end of the election, I still want to be FRIENDS (and gracious siblings in Christ).

      Hugs to you!

  23. Kristi

    Great post, my friend!!! So thankful that God is on the throne!!
    Love you!

    • Susan

      That makes TWO of us! Love you too!!

  24. Cherry Titus

    Timely post…enjoyed it. Thanks!!!

    • Susan

      Glad you liked it. Hope you had fun at the rally today 🙂

  25. Mindy @ New Equus - A New Creation

    Wow…great post Susan! I am so with you in that I’m ready for this to be OVER! My mail is over flowing…I have people knocking on my door…and I won’t even get into the commercials and signs that are EVERYWHERE! Yes, God has this in His hands and however it turns out will be as He deems…and nothing more or less. 🙂

    • Susan

      Glad you stopped by, Mindy! I know this has been a crazy week for you. The election mess will soon be over, and you’re right — God deems the outcome!

  26. Jennifer@GDWJ

    Incredibly reassuring and hopeful and RIGHT ON, sister. I haven’t voted yet, but will on Election Day.

    • Susan

      Always glad to see your name in my comment list, Jennifer. Thanks for taking time to read and comment 🙂

  27. Laurie Wallin

    Great perspective, Susan. Love your version of that verse 😉 Kinda makes me pray different for Obama now: “Lord, would you give your servant, Barak Obama, supernatural wisdom and insight to lead today!” … hmmm. Pretty convicting!

    • Susan

      I know, Laurie – that’s the kind of conviction that hits us right between the eyes, isn’t it? And once we regain our bearings, we know exactly where to look — to GOD 🙂

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  28. Shari @ Leaving A Legacy

    I agree with you 100%. Even though we may not understand the outcome, He does. His ways are perfect, I’m so thankful that I can trust in that! Thank you for your words of wisdom and for linking up with Leaving A Legacy.
